Monday, March 7, 2016

DLSU (Descriptive Essay)

DLSU Building
"One of the most know university here in Philippines is the De La Salle University - Dasmarinas.
First when I went there, I was so amazed because I really did not expect that DLSU-D is so big and wide. DLSU-D have so many beautiful place there. De La Salle University is such a big place. They have so many big tree and plants that makes the place so comfortable. You can also see different buildings there for different courses. Bench and tables are enough for the students there. They also have kubos if you have to relax and focus on something you do. Right there is the botanic garden of the university, where you can feel the fresh ambiance, see the beautiful sights and it makes you feel relaxing. But the most interesting spot there is the botanical covered net that full of butterflies where you can play and take a picture with the butterflies.
Amazing right? It feels good. De La Salle University - Dasmarinas is so amazing.

- Rizza Malonzo Panahon

Baguio (Descriptive Essay)

  Have you heard the place called Baguio? It is the summer capital of the Philippines. It is located in Northern Luzon. Baguio is one of the most visited tourist destinations here in the Philippines. You know why? I'm going to describe it to you.
     Baguio is called the summer capital of the Philippines because during summer, Baguio can give you the cold and cool breeze to beat the summer heat. Places like Camp John Hay and Philippine Military Academy will give you a perfect description of nature: a calm and serene environment, trees and plants thriving all around the place, the relaxing ambiance, and the cool breeze caressing your skin. Mount Santo Tomas will bring out the adventurer in you. The thrilling downhill slopes will excite you, and the enormous mountains and thick fog make the scenic view a breath-taking moment to enjoy. Mines View Park also offers that same feeling. Fresh air and a beautiful view of the plains and mountains in front of you.                Overall, Baguio is one of the most wonderful cities in the Philippines, maybe even in the world. That is why you can never run out of words to describe this incredibly wonderful place.

- Patrick Palac

Santiago (Persuasive Essay)

Miriam Santiago
       The Presidential Candidate that got me and my parent’s attentions was Miriam Defensor. Since I was little, I asked my parents on why they wished for her to, someday. Run for president?

        Apparently, they told me that she’s a graduate of UP. She even won an award. The Ramon Magsaysay Award for government Service and the 1985 TOYM Award for Law. She even finished the B.A. Political Science, as her course for only three and a half years. However, she decided to remain in the university for an additional semester and finished her course with an almost perfect grade of 1.1 (1.0 is considered highest.) She graduated magna cum laude in 1965. And many more fascinating stories and achievements are yet to be told in this essay.

         The funny thing for me is that my parents were so fascinated by her achievements, that they told me that she might be an alien. So you see, this country needs some genius who is also not afraid to stand for what is right. I think I’ve made my point already clear. Vote for Miriam Defensor! 

- Dannice Llyod Maribao

Duterte (Persuasive Essay)


          The Halalan 2016 is on and we start to think if the changes that we desire will come into life this moment. And as an answer to that question we need to choose wisely who will be the right one to be on the Presidential place. And for me, the Presidential Candidate that I deem worthy enough to be the next President of our country is Rodrigo Duterte.

           He is one of the longest serving mayors in the Philippines. Having been the Mayor of Davao City for 7 terms, totaling more than 22 years. And with a long time of serving Davao City, he transformed it into a very safe and well-organized place. Unlike many politicians, Duterte is forthright and plain speaking. Duterte was also dubbed as “The Punisher” by the media and was heavily criticized by people because of his ways as a leader. As he has no mercy in executing the criminals that he caught and he is also very strict in implementing the rules. He was also heavily criticized for being a womanizer and very vulgar with the words that he use when being interviewed. But despite the attitude that he displays, he’s still the number one Presidential Candidate.
            As many of our fellow Filipino thinks that his strict and serious leadership skills are what the country needs in order to fight crimes and corruption in our government. Well, I too think that Duterte is one of the best Presidential Candidates out there. I’d rather choose someone who is true to himself and is dedicated to fighting crimes and wrong doings, with a proof of his great leadership skills. Rather than choosing someone who’s acting like a Saint in front of the mass to gain the sympathy of the people with their lies and broken promises.

- Jermaine Cabrera

The News (Reflective Essay)


The news is not just for us to be updated or to be aware, but also to allow each and everyone to exercise their freedom of speech. It is to make a movement in helping the country in times of trials. But now, how would you know if the news you have read or heard is a fact? What is the effective way of bringing the news to satisfy our countrymen?
To begin, as Mass Communication and Psychology student, it is very important that we have enough knowledge about the past and current news that had and has happened in our country. News can be delivered in so many ways. Like, print media or in television since we already enhanced our technology. News composes of ads and a lot of information about our country. The news is a medium of how to inform the people of what was, what is and what will happen to our nation.
In fact, When we read, hear or watch the news, we already believe it because, for us, the news is as important as gold. News sometimes and somehow not a fact, it’s not just telling about the country itself, but also the celebrities that are in. Their lifestyle and career, in this case, a lot of gossip controversies are popping. This news or this media can affect and influence millions of people. That is how big the media role is. It can save lives, it can cure diseases, and it can help calamities and many more. Magazines, newspapers, television, radio and even in social networking sites are very helpful to keep us aware. News and media are everywhere.
The effective way to bring the news is, you just have to know it, belief in it, trust the person who is delivering the news, and be powerful and confident that the news you are about to say, is a hundred percent true. Always keep it in our mind that whatever happens, whatever is ahead, it will be part of our history. Delivering news, either bad or good news, will really affect the people because every human being has a part of understanding the happenings in the real world. It is important to deliver news in a simple way which people can merely understand and spread it to other people so that they are consciously aware of the non-stop circumstances in the country.
Therefore, news can be in television, newspaper, magazine, radio, and the internet. No individuals don't know any news because every media will deliver and distribute news everywhere, to people have an awareness of what’s happening inside the country and in other countries as well. The various forms of media spread and disseminate information to people. Getting information into the media will spread the story further than it could be spread without media coverage. Media is the only effective way of bringing the news to everyone.  It helps to promote the right things on right time. It gives a real exposure to the mass audience about what is right or wrong. The news is as important as gold and as important as life. We won’t be able to resolve past problems that our country has been through if it weren't for the people. Media is nothing without our people. And people's knowledge isn't enough without the news.

Panahon, Ma. Theresa M.

Sealtiel, Patricia

The Barber (Narrative Essay)

"Sometimes there are things we can not see that lead us not to believe, but if you remembered what John 20:20 says " Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." But here's a short story that can open your mind about believing in our Almighty God. As what John says in Chapter 20 Verse 20 *
          One day a priest visited a barbershop for a haircut. All of the barbers are glad and excited for the priest. After his haircut, he thanked all of them for the warm welcome, but before he leaves one of the barbers shared that he doesn't believe in God. The priest quickly asked the barber with curiosity how it happened and why. The barber thinks that if there's such thing as God, why would people perish and face everyday problem in life if they can just live life with joy instead. The shop was covered with silenceUntil the priest tell to the barber that he has a point on his thoughts. The priest left the shop quietly. He was bothered by his way outside until he found someone A boy with a very long hair and a beard. He smiled and bring the boy inside the barbershop. He talked to the barber with joyful tone. Telling that the priest doesn't believe in a barber also. The barber laughed so loud while asking the priest that If there is no barber, then why the priest go over to his Barbershop. The priest explained that if there's such thing as Barber then there are no people with long hair like this boyThe barber is against with the priest beliefs and Telling to the priest that it is people’s problem, People have a choice if they want to Cut off their hair or just let it grow longer.
       And that is exactly the same thing as what you think about God. You can feel the presence of God if you really Want and if you really faith in Him. People have a choice If they will believe in God.

- Rizza Malonzo Panahon

One Cut Cross (Instructive Essay)

Faith in God means we rely on him and depend on his reliability. Genuine faith is relying on God's direction and on who he is. But I tell you, that there are people who don't believe that God died for us, so there’s no reason to have faith in Him. But would you believe that there’s one man who proves that having faith with God is worth it. I have a short story for all of you before we start our activity.

There was a man who was put into the prison for his faith in Jesus. The interrogator tells him that he will not be killed if he can make a cross using a piece of paper in just one cut, so the man prayed all night and ask for His guidance, the man wasn’t allowed to practice. Then the next day, he was brought before the interrogator. The man asked for the paper and he was began folding, right after that he asked for scissors. He made one cut, and there, in the pieces, was a cross.

So did I made your curious on how the man did the one cut cross? Well if that so, we may now start our activity, but before we start, you should have the materials man used too - one piece of bond paper and scissors. If you already have the materials then we can start now.

The first step is to fold the top left corner down to the edge of the paper, forming a triangle and after that fold the top right corner down, now you can see that it looks like a house with a pitched roof.

Next is fold in half along a vertical line and fold in half vertically again.

And the final step is called “ cutting “ where you will cut along the vertical line.

Unfortunately, we think we know better. We think we have a better plan. We want to use our logic and get to the answer in a way that makes us look good and doesn’t require risk. But God wants us to grow, so he takes us a different way.