Monday, March 7, 2016

Baguio (Descriptive Essay)

  Have you heard the place called Baguio? It is the summer capital of the Philippines. It is located in Northern Luzon. Baguio is one of the most visited tourist destinations here in the Philippines. You know why? I'm going to describe it to you.
     Baguio is called the summer capital of the Philippines because during summer, Baguio can give you the cold and cool breeze to beat the summer heat. Places like Camp John Hay and Philippine Military Academy will give you a perfect description of nature: a calm and serene environment, trees and plants thriving all around the place, the relaxing ambiance, and the cool breeze caressing your skin. Mount Santo Tomas will bring out the adventurer in you. The thrilling downhill slopes will excite you, and the enormous mountains and thick fog make the scenic view a breath-taking moment to enjoy. Mines View Park also offers that same feeling. Fresh air and a beautiful view of the plains and mountains in front of you.                Overall, Baguio is one of the most wonderful cities in the Philippines, maybe even in the world. That is why you can never run out of words to describe this incredibly wonderful place.

- Patrick Palac


  1. Pls i need a short paragraph about baguioBpls give me one to five paragraph plss
